Sunday, April 25, 2010

Firefox education toolkit

What is the Firefox Education Toolkit?

The Firefox Education Toolkit is a set of tools that will allow you to go out and educate people about Mozilla and Firefox. While most of us are experts about our favorite browser, think of the huge impact you can have by sharing your knowledge and passion with others!

With this toolkit there are many activities that you can do including conducting a presentation, hosting a booth or posting the print collateral in your local community.

Below is a thorough set of print pieces, videos and presentations that can make an instant impact at your next event (with more to come!). The print and presentation materials are currently localized in 3 languages - if you are interested in localizing let us know and we'd happy to help you out!

Good luck and happy Firefox-ing!

in reference to: Firefox Education Toolkit | Spread Firefox (view on Google Sidewiki)

Text Widget

Text Widget