Sunday, January 24, 2010

Imagine Cup 2010 - Next Generation Web Award

Does the idea of creating an application that can be used by real people online around the world challenge you? Enter the Next Generation Web Award competition and write a Web Application using modern technologies such as Silverlight or ASP.NET. It’s a chance to start competing locally, show off your skills and then hopefully be introduced as the Next Generation Web Award winning team at the Worldwide Finals. You and up to 3 friends can form a team and apply your creative genius to creating a solution inspired by the 2010 Theme. Create innovative software and service application that unleashes the power of technology to benefit your area or … the entire planet.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Skill Accelerator 2010 Sessions 1

Skil Accelerator merupakan kerjasama Magister Teknologi Informasi UGM dan Micorosoft Innovation Center UGM. Pada awal tahun 2010 ini Skill Accelerator 2010 Sessions 1 dikhususkan untuk para tenaga pengajar, dosen dan guru. Dalam Skill Accelerator 2010 Sessions 1 materi yang akan disampaikan adalah Ajax 2.0, Teknologi Interaktif Web pada ASP.NET.

Komunitas edukasi belajar tidak terlepas dari teknologi apapun yang dipilih, web saat ini harus memiliki interaktifitas mencukupi. Interaktifitas mencukupi dapat menjadi pengguna web lebih nyaman dan tertarik pada sebuah situs. Pada workshop ini kami mengajak rekan-rekan edukator untuk sama-sama belajar salah satu teknologi menarik pada web yakni Ajax. Ajax telah berevolusi setidaknya hampir satu dekade.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Editor Posting Blogspot (New feature)

How to enable the new editor

To enable the new editor, first navigate to your blog's Settings | Basic tab. Near the bottom of the page you will see a field called Select Post Editor, and from there you simply need to select Updated Editor and save your settings. That's it! Now on to the new features...

Improved Image Handling

When you upload an image to the new post editor it will appear as a thumbnail in the image dialog box. That way, you can upload several images at once, and then add them into your post at your convenience. The thumbnails will be available until you close the post editor.
When you add an image from the dialog into your post it will be placed at the insertion point instead of at the top of the post.
If you don’t like where an image is in your post, you can drag it around to another spot. If you drag it towards the left side of the editor it will float to the left, likewise for the right, and if you leave it in the center it will be centered. You can drag the image between paragraphs and other block elements. Unlike in the current editor, dragging in the new editor preserves the link to the full-size version of the image.

Text Widget

Text Widget